Making PV More Business Friendly

At this month's Town Board meeting, Supervisor Jacqueline Annabi announced a new initiative designed to encourage more business activity in Putnam Valley.
The Town Board proposed a resolution to create a "Neighborhood Business Committee" that would advise on the "creation, enhancement, attraction and retention, marketing and enrichments of town businesses with regard to goals of economic vitality and vibrant quality of life for the people of the Town of Putnam Valley."
The resolution was an attempt to respond to what it described as "the pressures of population growth, increasing regulatory requirements and cost, declining business opportunity and occupancy with the resultant loss of local businesses and commercial options as well as rising taxes to town residents." The resolution will be considered at a public hearing on December 11th at 5pm at Town Hall.
If the resolution is approved as presented, the committee would consist of seven uncompensated volunteers who would serve for two-year terms. Town residents who have "demonstrated an interest in the improvement and preservation of environmental quality" would be eligible for appointment.
The resolution indicates that the committee would be expected to do a considerable amount of work, including meeting at least once a month. Like other town committees, it would have no staff or budget assigned to it. Among the duties the committee would have are: conducting studies and surveys of local businesses; engaging the public to discern the kinds of businesses residents would like to attract; maintaining an inventory of current businesses, those that have closed, and vacant commercial space; creating liaisons with public and private organizations focused on business development; and, publishing and distributing relevant books, maps and reports. The committee would also have the power to hold public hearings.
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