January Events (curated)
January 1st - First Day Hikes near Putnam Valley
• One is an easy, 2-mile walk (leashed pets allowed) that starts at 10am in Franklin D. Roosevelt State Park, registration not required
• Two hikes are offered at the Hudson Highlands State Park Preserve, both commencing at 11:30am. One is a short, naturalist-led hike around Little Stony Point (about 1 mile), and the other is a hike to nearby historic Cornish Estate (3 miles round-trip). Free snacks, coffee and hot cocoa. Leashed pets are allowed, and registration is not required.
January 22nd at 6pm - Town Board meeting at Town Hall, 265 Oscawana Lake Rd.
January 25th from 1pm to 4pm - Home Energy Clinic, free consulting from Sustainable Putnam's energy coach at the Putnam Valley Library. For more information about this opportunity, click here.
January 28th from 6am to 9pm - Vote on Putnam Valley's Central School District capital improvement plan at the elementary school, 171 Oscawana Lake Rd.